The distribution of much of our world’s most popular foods are reliant upon the cold chain, an expensive temperature-controlled supply chain that keeps foods refrigerated or frozen from production, to storage, to distribution.
The global infrastructure that brings foods from farm to table.
Today, products can go from anywhere in the world to anywhere else with relative ease. From planes, to ships, to trucks, to even bicycles, our world’s supply chain is robust, reliable, generally accessible and affordable.
A temperature-controlled supply chain that keeps foods refrigerated or frozen from production, to storage, to distribution.
Compared to the US, many developing countries still have very rudimentary cold chain infrastructure. In the US, we have 0.49 million cubic meters of cold storage warehouse space per urban resident. Comparatively, China and Brazil have 0.13 and 0.10, respectively.
It's estimated that 40% of all food requires refrigeration and that 15% of the electricity consumed worldwide is used for refrigeration.
Lack of refrigerated equipment in developing countries causes over 200M tonnes of perishable food loss, equivalent to 14% of current consumption.
Up to 40% of emissions from refrigerated trucking is attributable to onboard vapor compression systems, adding material emissions to the supply chain.
James, S.J., and C. James. “The Food Cold-Chain and Climate Change.” Food Research International, vol. 43, no. 7, 1 Feb. 2010, pp. 1944–1956., doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2010.02.001.
Our global electricity consumption can be reduced dramatically with the reduction of the cold chain, leading to a greener planet.
The elimination of perishable food loss would provide the world with an extra 200M tonnes of food in developing countries.
Reduced usage of refrigerated and frozen shipping could reduce related emissions by as much as 40%
James, S.J., and C. James. “The Food Cold-Chain and Climate Change.” Food Research International, vol. 43, no. 7, 1 Feb. 2010, pp. 1944–1956., doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2010.02.001.
At Farther Farms, we commercialized a better way to sterilize foods using carbon dioxide instead of traditional techniques like steam or hot water. This allows us to create products with high quality and novel attributes that never need to be refrigerated or frozen.